
Introducing: Incentives

Sharing is caring we all know that. Why? Because sharing with others bring great satisfaction. But what if that is not enough?

Totte Jönsson

Today we're happy to announce something that has been requested by out customers for a long time. The features comes from questions like "Why would people share content with me?", "What do I as a customer get for sharing?" and "Would it be possible to give those who share discounts?". We heard you and we listened!

What are Incentives?

Our take on incentives is for merchants to give back to those who share with them. Initially this consist of being able to set a discount code that is offered to the customers at the end of an upload form or after an approved request. The customer is presented with the discount in the final step and is also sent the discount code in a branded email from you as a store.

The emails have a set design but in the Cevoid panel you are able to decide exactly what you want the emails to say, which color you want them to have and if you want to further inspire with some UGC or not.

Below you can see an example of how the incentive email looks.

Branded discount email sent to a customer from Carpet Diem

Why is it called Incentives and not Discounts?

Good question! Our answer is that we want to further develop this sharing feature into something more than just discounts. There are so many different things you as a store could give for the loyalty that the customers provides. Make sure to stay tuned for more!

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