Member Profile

Find everything you need about each member

Get a convenient overview of each member’s content, activity, and creator info

The preferred choice for industry leaders
Nordic Nest
Lo & sons
Pen Store

Discover all content a member has shared

Track your community members’ content from their profiles

Approved posts
See all content pieces your team has already approved
Explore members’ new posts that await your approval
Track and request your members’ new Instagram posts

Understand member activities

Explore how and when your members interact with your brand, and what changes your teammates have made


Check each member’s contributions

See how many posts every member has uploaded and in how many they’ve tagged or mentioned you on Instagram

Member info

Know your community members inside out

Find extra information about every creator, adjust member-specific attributes, and add notes for your team

Member groups
Group and sort your members based on their roles, specific labels, and other characteristics
Member details
Learn about a member’s country, language, contact information, and social media handles
Instagram rights
Adjust the request flow for a member’s Instagram content

Start managing your brand community with Cevoid

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